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Orange juice while breastfeeding

Estimated reading time: 1 min read

With the arrival of the baby, the mother’s routine changes completely, from interrupted nights of sleep to feeding during breastfeeding, which may need some care due to the child’s health. According to a study published in Revista Paulista de Pediatria, among the main reasons that lead mothers not to consume some foods during breastfeeding, according to the mother’s own reports and beliefs, are possible colic and gas production in babies and even diaper rash.

However, another study by Dankook University College of Medicine, in Seoul, Korea, reiterates that mothers who restrict at least one type of food during this period usually have no scientific justification for it and that, therefore, they need to be educated about practices by a nutritionist. Learn more at: Alimentação na amamentação: o que comer e o que evitar?

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