
PSA Carbon
Agro Perene

Value generation through

Innovative methodology for measuring ecosystem services in
conserved areas and productive areas within Brazilian rural
properties, including forest carbon.

Metodologia inédita de mensuração dos serviços ecossistêmicos em áreas conservadas e áreas produtivas dentro de propriedades rurais brasileiras, incluindo o carbono florestal.

Innovation in Sustainability

A Citrosuco, em parceria com a Reservas Votorantim e a ECCON Soluções Ambientais, apresenta a metodologia de Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais, PSA Carbon Agro Perene.

A metodologia assegura o valor de serviços ambientais prestados pela vegetação nativa contida nas fazendas de culturas perenes, bem como as boas práticas de manejo em culturas perenes que contribuem para a mitigação das mudanças climáticas.

Ao implementar o PSA Carbon Agro Perene, a atividade agrícola pode impulsionar os benefícios da produção de culturas sustentáveis, especialmente visando mercados maduros internacionais, gerando valor mediante a agenda
ESG – Ambiental, Social e Governança.

Citrosuco, in partnership with Reservas Votorantim and ECCON Soluções Ambientais, presents the Payment for Environmental Services methodology, PSA Carbon Agro Perennial.

This methodology ensures the value of environmental services provided by native vegetation in perennial crop farms, as well as the good management practices in perennial crops that contribute to climate change mitigation.

By implementing PSA Carbon Agro Perennial, agricultural activity can enhance the benefits of sustainable crop production, particularly targeting mature international markets, creating value through the ESG – Environmental, Social, and Governance.


  1. Valuation and monetization of ecosystem services;
  2. Issuance of C+ (Carbon Plus) certificates;
  3. Facilitation of greenhouse gas emission offsetting;
  4. Public methodology, originally Brazilian, that complies with the PSA Law (Law No. 14.119/2021) and the Native Vegetation Protection Law (Law No. 12.651/2012).

For public consultation of the methodology

This methodology promotes environmental conservation and sustainable agricultural practices, while also contributing to climate change mitigation and food security. Implementing PSA CarbonAgro can boost the production of sustainable crops in Brazil, positioning Brazilian agriculture at the forefront of sustainability.

How does it work in practice?

The national Payment for Environmental Services (PSA) methodology with the issuance of Carbon Plus (C+) credits proposes the valuation of areas through sustainable practices and the commercialization of credits.

Key Features

  1. Transferable between parties;
  2. Represents 1 tCO2e + environmental services;
  3. Ecosystem and Good Agricultural Practices indicators;
  4. Contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals;
  5. Contributes to the mitigation of forest loss due to climate change.

Be Part of This Transformation

Junte-se a nós na construção de um futuro mais verde e próspero. Para mais informações sobre como implementar a PSA CarbonAgro em sua propriedade, entre em contato.

Join us in building a greener and more prosperous future. For more information on how to implement PSA CarbonAgro on your property, contact us.

Ecosystem Services + Social Benefits + Climate Mitigation = C+ Credits (Carbon Plus)

For more information about PSA Carbon Agro Perennial, write to