The largest Brazilian agricultural partnership in the citrus farming industry is celebrated between the Grupo Fischer and Cia. Agrícola e Pastoril Fazenda Rio Pardo S/A. Besides, Fazenda Rio Pardo for citrus farming is created in the municipality of Iaras, in the state of São Paulo, with over 9,000 hectares of arable land for orange production.
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Citrosuco starts the production and export of ready-to-drink juice (NFC), another expression of the technological pioneering spirit of the company.
Shipping Unit in Santos undergoes its first major expansion in preparation for the bulk juice storage system. Fuel oil is replaced by biomass at the Matão plant.
Inauguration of the bulk juice loading and transport system, with the Ouro do Brasil vessel.
Start of the construction of the activated sludge treatment system and the construction of the refrigerated chambers to store the juice in bulk at the Citrosuco plant in Matão.
Citrosuco acquires its second factory in the city of Limeira, in the state of São Paulo.
Construction work begins on the Citrosuco factory in Matão, in the state of São Paulo
Citrosuco is built.