Home » #VIASolidária Abrace essa Causa

#VIASolidária Abrace essa Causa

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Since 2017, in partnership with Instituto Votorantim, Citrosuco has been developing the project Abrace essa Causa (Embrace this Cause), which guides employees on the allocation of personal income tax to social projects related to children and young people in social vulnerability, through the Municipal Fund of the Rights of Children and Adolescents (FMDCA). In addition to Embrace this Cause project, the company contributes with its own financial resources. The resources allocated to the FMDCA in 2021 help projects from five municipalities. They are: Equoterapia, which is supported by APAE (in Matão); Criança Cidadão do Futuro (in Catanduva); Creche Azul… Tecendo Sonhos (in Araraquara); Capacitando para o Futuro (in Araras); and Formando Cidadãos (in Itapetininga).

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